
The Usability of Mild Steel in Metal Fabrication

28 February 2020

Mild steel, otherwise known as carbon steel, is a form of steel with a low carbon content that amounts to a maximum of 0.3 percent. Its composition and material properties allow this kind of steel to be suitable for metal fabrication. It can be bent into a wide variety of shapes and it has a good strength that enables it to be easily welded. Explained below are the things you need to know about the usability of mild steel in metal fabrication.

Mild Steel for Steel Frame Buildings

Mild steel, with its unique properties not found in wood or anything else, is an inseparable partner when it comes to building construction. Mild steel is highly favoured as a building frame material thanks to its incredibly high strength. In fact, if you attached a bar of the stuff to your ceiling you could hang 20,000kg from it. For construction use in particular, mild steel is also advantageous because it meets strict seismic or wind requirements, cannot be damaged by insects and is impervious to both rot and fire.

Mild Steel for Machinery Parts

Since mild steel is a combination of iron and carbon, these elements can be combined in a variety of ways to reach the desired ratio of strength, ductility and hardness. This is why mild steel is so favoured for machine part manufacturing. Cast steel car parts, for example, are better suited to welding because they do not suffer the same molecular changes as forged pieces when they are reheated. They furthermore save countless hours of machining, forging and heat treatment as they require only the most minor of final shaping once cooled.

Mild Steel for Pipelines

The exceptional ductility of our galvanised mild steel tubes has made them popular for use as poles and pipes that can withstand the weather and other consequences of the outdoors. If you expand this potential, mild steel pipelines might become the standard choice for transporting water, natural gas and even beer. Mild steel allows these pipes to be easily welded into place, but also allows it to flex and avoid cracking and breaking under pressure. Typically in cold climates, to ensure the cold and warmth cycling in the pipe doesn’t create structural integrity problems, it is given an insulating material wrap for continued top performance.

Mild Steel for Gating and Fencing

The most common and modern use of mild steel is something actually quite traditional, yet it is something that has also benefited immensely from today’s equipment and welding techniques. For the sake of beauty and character, metal gating and fencing has always required a strong balance between strength itself and a visually appealing design, and mild steel lends itself to both. It is strong and difficult to break unlike cast iron, and it can be painted to produce a long-lasting, low maintenance decorative finish and it can be galvanized to prevent corrosion. Whether it is fabricated by hand or by modern machine, mild steel can be easily forged in a variety of shapes to meet even the most specific of designs.

Take advantage of the versatility of mild steel by incorporating it to your metal fabrication needs. Sureweld Engineering will help you with the necessary tools and expertise in this endeavour. We are a newly formed company that has 14 years experience in on and off shore welding expertise. We offer a 24/7 break down in mechanical and maintenance support.